Posted by: HortAlaska | August 18, 2016

TRV in China

You’d think with the number of years peonies have been growing in China, tobacco rattle virus would have been reported long ago. Not so, according to this article. It seems to be fairly recent and not very severe. Sure wish we could say the same thing in Alaska! It has been imported with the roots. Certain suppliers have more TRV than others. I guess the name of the game is, only buy from suppliers who routinely rogue out the disease before it gets to your fields.

He, Chen. 2016. TRV


  1. Can you contact the suppliers who seem to have a problem with TRV and let them know?


    Ron & Marji Illingworth North Pole Peonies 5730 Eielson Farm Road North Pole, Alaska 907-488-0446 (H) 1-866-535-6459 (fax) >


    • Some of them know. Growers need to be vigilant and make sure they get assurances from the root sellers that they are aware of TRV and will give refunds or replacements.


  2. Interesting! TRV was reported on tree peonies (Paeonia suffruticosa) in China in 1990 by Wei and Wu:


    • Not surprising since the greatest percentage of the peonies in China are suffruticosa. May be just a matter of playing catch up with lactiflora.


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